Friday, April 27, 2018

coming back

  With all the negative media and bad vibes in the last couple of years its been hard to keep positive or even have a productive conversation with a person about pretty much anything with out offending or angering. 2017 was very interesting, it was a year full of crazy headlines, and lots of negativity and that is following us into 2018.  It seems like things in our world have gone from bad to worse in a short amount of time.  It seems to me that so many of us have become consumed by all of the bad press, distractions and dare I say ignorance that the media has filled us with.  It is for that reason I have given myself the task of keeping myself positive and focused as well as teach my children to do the same.   I refuse to let the media and negativity turn us bitter or make us angry.  We are blessed everyday and I am choosing to make the best of or lives.

Monday, January 1, 2018

New year, new goals

As the end of the first day of the year comes to a close I am taking the time out to count my blessings.   2017 for me was an interesting year.  There were lots of changes, some bad, some good, and some great.  As I look back and reflect on where life has taken me, I see how much I have grown mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  Although I know that 2018 will not be with out its lessons I look forward to the year ahead.  This year I am taking my all around health (mental, physical, emotional, etc...) into my hands. I am challenging myself to get healthy, get organized, get focused, read more, learn more, pick up some new hobbies, spend less and save more.  Easier said then done right?  But I am determined to be a better, smarter, and healthier version of myself today then I was yesterday.